Implementing Campaign Manager - External Integrations

Running The Get API Token Scripts Using Kitchen

Use Spoon to configure the Job Step. Save the scripts

Open a command prompt or save the following steps into a .bat file. Using a .bat file allows for repeated execution from a scheduler.


  1. Navigate to the Kettle directory: cd C:\Kettle\data-integration\
  2. Run Kettle. The full path is currently required to run kitchen.bat if running from a *.bat file: C:\Kettle\data-integration\Kitchen.bat.
  3. Add the following parameters to the Kitchen process:
    1. The file value specifies which Kettle job to run: -file:"D:\Testing\RNJobGetAPI.kjb"
    2. The level value specifies which level of Kettle logging to record: -level:"Detailed"
    3. It is recommended to send the Kettle log to a file rather than let it go to the command line. Use > to send the output to the specified file. Use >> to append the output to the specified file: > C:\Testing\PanRun.log.
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